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Solstice Yin: Celebrating the Light, Returning to Hope

When we compress the dark, we compress the light. We we refuse to love and heal our shadow, we can lose touch with the ability to hope. During this solstice time, where the nights are the longest of the year, we can honor this cycle of the natural world while we take rest, turn inward, and to heal when the opportunity arises. Historically, it is also a time of great celebration and calling in the light. In this 90 minute gathering, we will practice a yin sequence that supports this process and also gives us an opportunity to feel where there is there is space and light, and thus hope. In doing this for ourselves, we are doing it for the collective. Following the sequence we will do a solstice ritual which includes intention setting and create candle sigils.

This event will be recorded and accessible FOR THREE DAYS. So if you can’t make it, you can practice as you like and if you attend live, you may want to practice again on December 21, during the time of the solstice.

I will offer THREE spaces to attend in person. After practice we will drink cacao and connect. If you are interested, please email me at

When you register, you will be offered $30 off a shamanic reiki healing session with me to support you at this time. You can also give your session to someone else as a loving gift.

Energy exchange for class is $22 for virtual/ $30 in person. (If you are in person we can handle payment separately). If you are in desire of equity pricing, please reach out to me at email above.

October 20

Yin and Full Moon Release

December 21

Radiating our Divine Light: A Solstice Celebration and Transfiguration Practice